Building on
a Bonkers 2023

Of course these were just the newest flight of our spots, doubling our budget after a year of success with the spots below, which won silver at the Global Ace Awards. They answered other pressing questions businesses had. Like what if you want to protect your employees from not-so-slowly losing their minds? What if your customers have fumbly fingers and runaway massage chairs that make their messages unreadable? Or what if that “clever” billboard you thought up for your business worked really well? Like…a little too well?

Does That.

From VoIP to a pile of APIs, Vonage has a lot fascinating solutions that…do not look fascinating. We took those dry-seeming features and created spots featuring a range of off-kilter use cases that showed not just what Vonage does, but how it can improve every part of work life.

One last thing…

What if that “clever” billboard you thought up for your business worked really well? Like, a little too well?


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